
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dave's 31st Birthday

Well hello there and Happy Fall! This is one of my favorite times of the year and each Fall month is special because each Eshleman has a b-day. Dave's is in Sept, mine October and now Landon's is in November. We will be pretty busy leading up to Christmas! Birthday's are my "thing". I like to make them so special for people I love and Dave's was this past Monday. He turned the big 3-1. We had a fun time celebrating with some close friends this past weekend. Here is a pic from Dave's bday party and a pic of the Syracuse cake I made him.


On Friday, I made his favorite meal - creamy crock pot chicken. Saturday we went out to the Olive Garden with some friends and came back home for a little bday partayyy. Part of his gift was finishing up the cornhole set we have been working on ALLL summer. Dave built them and I painted the mascot designs and made the bags. Here they are...

Dave's two fave teams are Syracuse and State....if you can't already tell. I know these aren't "cakes" but we are so excited to have them finished I thought I would share! On Sunday we played a little cornhole and Landon and I snuck out early that morning to buy a dozen Dunkin' Doughnuts to make the ultimate Bday tradition - a Doughnut Cake! This is the 4th one he has had so far. Landon got so excited about the candles and started to cry when Dave blew them all out haha.

On Monday, Landon and I surpised Dave at work with some Bojangle's and we made one of his favorite meals for dinner - a chicken casserole that his mom made for him growing up. It was fun to have my little guy to be sneaky with :) Happy 31st Birthday Dave!!

1 comment:

  1. Please share this creamy crock pot chicken recipe! :-)
