I love Fall. Fall is full of pumkin spice latte's, my birthday, the fair, and those cool evenings when I get to snuggle in the PJ's! Lately, I have been making a ton of clay pumpkins with my 5th grade students and they are turning out so cute. I would loe to start a blog one day with all of their art...they are quite talented kids and always surprise me with their creativity!
Anwyays, I have been in the pumpkin mood lately and my friend Stephanie asked me to make a 1st birthday cake for her little girl. The party was full of little girls dressing up and lots of pink and orange. Steph told me I could come up with anything and I love being able to do that! Anywho, here is the final product. I made the pumpkin shape by baking two bundt cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla. I hope the kiddos enjoyed it! Happy 1st Birthday Emma!